การพัฒนารูปแบบการจัดกิจกรรมนันทนาการสำหรับผู้สูงอายุ | The Development of Recreational Activities for the Elderly


  • ปรีดาภรณ์ ดวงใจดี kpstkso@ku.ac.th
  • กฤษฏิ์กนิษฐ์ ณ ป้อมเพ็ชร
  • วรรณพร ขวัญบุญจันทร์
  • ธเนตร กุลเทศ


รูปแบบการจัดกิจกรรมนันทนาการ, ผู้สูงอายุ


The objectives of this research were to 1) study the circumstance 2) need for recreational
activity provision for the elderly in order to develop its model and 3) to study the result of recreational
activity provision for the elderly.
Population in the research included 20 elderlies aged 60 years above living in Suphan Buri
and being the member of senior club in Muang District who were recruited specifically, and 20
concerned people with collaborative recreational activity provision for the elderly including community
leaders and the senior club leader who were recruited specifically. Applied tools to collect data were
interview, training course and questionnaire. Collected data was analyzed with frequency distribution,
percentage, mean average and standard deviation.
The research had found that
1. According to the circumstance and need for recreational activity provision for the
1.1 The circumstance for recreational activity provision for the elderly in Muang
Suphan Buri Municipality area showed an area for recreational activity provision for the elderly in front
of Muang Suphan Buri Municipality office as the center of recreational activity provision for the elderly
in this area.
1.2 According to the need for recreational activity provision for the elderly, data
from the interview showed that the reasons why the elderly were interested in the activity included
self-health conscious, joining the activity for socialization, tourism, spending their free time usefully and
for leisure.
2. The development of model for collaborative recreational activities provision for
the elderly in term of flower arrangement activity for the elderly included 4 topics like 1. General
knowledge of flower arrangement, 2. General knowledge about different flower, 3. Material and
equipment for flower arrangement, and 4. The principle of international flower arrangement.
3. The study showed maximum result of model for collaborative recreational
activity provision for the elderly and satisfaction towards recreational activity provision for the elderly.


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