ผลแบบฉับพลันของการเสริมเอนไซม์โปรตีเอสต่อประสิทธิภาพการทางานของร่างกายหลังการออกกำลังกายอย่างหนักแบบใช้ออกซิเจน และไม่ใช้ ออกซิเจน|The Acute Effects of Protease Supplementation on Sport Performance after Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise


  • นภากร บุญเส็ง


Protease supplement, physical performance, aerobic exercise, anaerobic exercise


This investigation examined effects of a protease supplement on the acute effectiveness of
protease supplementation on sport performance, recovery liver function after aerobic and anaerobic
exercise. The study used a double-blinded, placebo-controlled, crossover design. 10 Beach Soccer
Thai nation players were randomly assigned to either a supplement group (SUPP) or a placebo group
All subjects were tested for Multistage fitness test, Wingate test, blood lactic, creatine kinase,
lactate dehydrogenase, Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Aspartate aminotransferase (AST). The
testing occurred before (TIME1), immediately after (TIME2), and 24 (TIME3) after a bout of exercise
testing. During these tests, the subjects in the SUPP group ingested a protease supplement. The
subjects in the PLAC group took juice. After testing at TIME3 and 1 weeks of rest, the subjects were
crossed over into the opposite group and performed the same tests as during visits 1-3, but with the
opposite limb.
Overall, exercise testing was greater for the SUPP group than for the PLAC and plasma
creatine kinase, blood lactic, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and Aspartate aminotransferase
(AST). These results provided initial evidence that the protease supplement may be useful for physical
performance, and for reducing muscle inflammation and liver function in short-term recovery.


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