Information Technology Competence of School Administrators under the Office of Kanchanaburi Primary Educational Service 3
Information Technology Competence, School AdministratorsAbstract
The purposes of this research were: 1) to study information technology competence of school administrators under the office of Kanchanaburi primary educational service 32) to compare the information technology competence of school administrators under the office of Kanchanaburi primary educational service 3. The sample of study were 105 administrators in the office of Kanchanaburi primary educational service 3. The research instrument was the 5-level scale questionnaires. The reliability was .970. The statistical data analysis were arithmetic mean , standard deviation (S.D.), t-test and one-way ANOVA.
The research findings were as follows:
1) The information technology competence of school administrators under the office of Kanchanaburi primary educational service 3 was found to be at a high level in overall. When considered by specific aspects, the rank from the highest to the lowest were attitude, knowledge, and skills capacity 2) The comparison of the information technology competence of school administrators under the office of Kanchanaburi primary educational service 3 was categorized by age, major and work experience. The overall and individual aspect were differences at significant level .05.
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