A strategy of academic administration on learning loss situation in the Bangkhontee Kwaeom small-size primary school under Samutsongkhram provincial primary education office
The strategies of academic administration, Learning Loss, Small-size schoolAbstract
The purposes of this research were: 1) to study academic administration on learning loss situation in the Bangkhontee Kwaeom small-size primary school under Samutsongkhram provincial primary education office, and 2) to study strategies or guidelines for academic administration on learning loss situation. The research methodology is mixed method. The population of this study were 89 teachers and administrators and 10 informants. The research instrument were the 5-level scale questionnaires a form the most to the least and the interview form. The reliability was 0.88. The statistical data analysis were arithmetic mean, percentage, standard deviation (S.D.) and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows:
1) The academic administration on learning loss situation in the Bangkhontee Kwaeom small-size primary school under Samutsongkhram provincial primary education office were generally at the high level.
2) The strategies or guidelines for academic administration on learning loss situation in 5 aspects:
2.1) The curriculum development should be modern and flexible curriculum, integrate with local curriculum, and create the curriculum for learning loss learner specially.
2.2) The learning and teaching management were found that teaching students for critical thinking and learning by doing, and problem solving on reading, writing and arithmetic skills for learning loss learner specially.
2.3) The measurement, evaluation or comparison transfer focused on doing individual assessment, and participation of parent on measurement.
2.4) The research for developing educational quality focused on problem solving in classroom and supporting the professional learning community (PLC) activity.
2.5) The development on media, innovation and educational technology were variously, and used many kinds of medias for teaching learning loss learner in classroom.
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