Approaches of Relationship Building between Schools and Communities Guidelines in School Administration for the Amphawa Network Group under Samutsongkhram Primary Educational Service Area
Relationship Building, Schools and Communities, School AdministrationAbstract
The purposes of this research were: 1) to study a problem condition of relationship building between schools and communities in school administration for the Amphawa network group under Samutsongkhram primary educational service, and 2) to study approaches of relationship building between schools and communities affecting in school administration for the Amphawa network group under Samutsongkhram primary educational service. The population of this study were 120 which consist of 24 administrators and 96 teachers from 24 schools from the Amphawa network group under Samutsongkhram primary educational service in academic year 2023. Moreover, there were 5 participants which were 1 representative administration, 1 community leader, and 1 school board and 2 parents were selected through purposive sampling. The research instruments were the 5-level scale questionnaires and the interview form. The reliability was 0.971. The statistical data analysis were arithmetic mean, standard deviation (S.D.), Pearson's Correlation Coefficient and content analysis.
The research findings were as follows:
- Relationship building between schools and communities, overall and in each aspect was at the high level
- Approaches of relationship Building Between Schools and Communities Affecting in School Administration for the Amphawa network group under Samutsongkhram primary educational service that was a positive relation in 4 aspects:
1) participating of community in policy planning, giving opportunity for communication to participate in learning management.
2)community service of school between schools and communities which were coordinating with community about corroboration in cultural custom.
3)participating of community in school activities which were supporting on budget and school activities by community.
4) advertising which were up to dating school news and changing, always promoting school activities to community.
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